Thank you to my advisor, Luke Waltzer, for all of the guidance, support, reading lists, keen editorial and historical eye, and technical advice. Your work at the juncture of history, teaching, and digital methods is inspiring and urgent, and certainly factored into this study. I’m a better student and teacher for all of our conversations.
Thanks as well to Matthew Gold and Stephen Brier, whose work at the vanguard of Digital Humanities praxis and pedagogy framed my graduate studies at The Graduate Center; Amanda Hickman, for helping me and my Digital HUAC partners develop our project; Benjamin Hett, for two outstanding courses on Modern European and German History and much suggested reading; David Gordon, for help in the early rounds of conceiving of this project; and to Stephen Klein of The Graduate Center Library, for working with me to develop a preservation strategy for the digital portion of this work.
And a final thank you to the all of the history teachers with whom I have had the good fortune to study. You all taught me how to think and trained me to be a curious and active citizen and learner, and a reflective teacher.